Sail System's Guide to Plurality on the Early Internet


This is a non-exhaustive and heavy WIP guide to online plural communities in the 90s and early 2000s. Unlike this page's mother index, the goal of this page is not to give easy access to resources on plurality, but instead to show plurals, multiples, and systems of all sorts existing 10 - 20+ years ago.

Disclaimer & Trigger Warning: As stated above, this guide's goal is to show all walks of plurality on the early internet. There will be outdated and possibly offensive terminology, possible unhealthy outlooks on plurality, bad mental health practice, and more. On top of this, there will be discussions of trauma, abuse, and dissociation. I will do my best to label any trigger warnings with links, but here is your general warning.

Frequently Asked Questions,, circa. 2003

Plural Glossary, Astraea's Web. Before 2003, after 1997

Bad Psychiatry, Astrea's Web. Updated from circa. 2000 to at least 2016

Pavillion, a plural activist group active from 2002-~2006

Dual Personality, Multiple Personality, Dissociative Identity Disorder - What's in a Name? A psychiatrist's account of the change from MPD to DID. TW for psychiatric malpractice, fakeclaiming, and discussion of gaslighting patients.

Why We Are Not MPD/DID V of The Army (Dark Personalities) on why they do not prescribe to the psychiatric model. (Circa. 2001)

Dark Personality's List of Terminology from 2001, around the hight of the "Empowered Multiple" movement.

A collected list of essays on Empowred Multiples

Many Voices Press: A newsletter started in 1989 to offer support to people suffering from dissociative disorders and trauma.